Siyuan Fu


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Procedual Content Generation Tips



Wave Function Collapse


Useful Fade Function

Rather than just using linear interpolation, we can use a fade function.

Useful Random Functions

Perlin Noise

  1. Given a point in 2D space, find its 4 surrounding lattice points.
  2. Assign gradient for each lattice point with random funcion.
  3. Calculate distance vector for each lattice point.
  4. Calculate influence vector for each lattice point: influence_vector = dot(gradient_vector, distance_vector).
  5. Interpolate between all the influence vectors to get final value.

Worley Noise

Also known as Voronoi Noise.

  1. Divide the space into grids.
  2. Give a point in space, find its nearest N grids and generate a random position (“cell”) inside each grid.
  3. Calculate the minimum distance between the sample and its surrounding cells.
  4. Normalize the distance by dividing it with the longest possible distance.

Multi-Octave Noise

Also known as Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM)

In practice, we can combine sevral noise with different frequency together.

Octave contributions are modulated using:

PerlinNoise2d(float x, float y) {
  float total = 0;
  float persisstence = 1 / 2.0f;

  for (int i = 0; i < N_OCTAVES; ++i) {
    float frequency = pow(2, i);
    float amplitude = pow(persistence, i);
    total += amplitude * sampleNoisei(x * frequency, y * frequency);
  return total;

Implicit Surface

Approximate Normal

is the implicit surface.

Signed Distance Function


March Cubes

Divide the space into uniform grids. Sample each grid corner with the implicit surface.


For example, , , is outside, is inside, and , is on the boundary ().

tags: Graphics